A busy day is a normal day for Allison Hurley, with running between school, Robotics Club, work and friends. She has a bright future following in her parents’ footsteps to a path of success. Hurley said, “I admire my parents the most because they are happy and successful.”
Robotics started for her freshman year when her parents got her involved in the club. Since then, robotics has been a part of her after school life during the robotics competition season. With her outgoing personality and the enthusiasm she brings, it is no surprise she was picked to be president of the club this year.
Hours of hard work are spent after school during the evening up at the high school as she manages to coordinate the Robotics Club with the help of others. It is an experience filled with fun and learning while being able to do what she loves. One of the most captivating moments for Hurley is being able to see her robot perform the task at hand. Hurley said, “The thrill of seeing my work come to life in front of me is really exciting.”
The competitions are where the most fun takes place, with energy and excitement filling the air of the arena. The room is packed with dancing and cheering with Hurley participating in the midst of it all. New friends and memories are made in the thrilling spontaneous environment of a robotics competition.
Hurley is thrilled to go and participate in the atmosphere of a normal robotics competition. She is ready to meet new people and see how the robots perform.
Outside of all the excitement of the competing world, participating in robotics has taught her important skills. Hurley said, “Being involved in so much has taught me time management skills and how to have fun while I’m doing work.”