Senior spring break is sometimes stigmatized as a wild party spent on the beach in Florida or Mexico, and this may be the reality for many seniors, with social media littered with photos and videos of students on beaches with their friends, wearing swimsuits and sunglasses and holding colorful drinks. Popular locations include Fort Myers Beach, Panama City Beach and Cocoa Beach in Florida. However, not everyone took that route.
Canton senior, Kaitlyn Adams, said, “I went to Fort Myers over break. It was one of the most [relaxing] and laid back vacations I have ever taken. For me, it was not about gloating that I was somewhere tropical on social media, but rather [enjoying] the time I spent there with my two best friends.”
Canton senior, Tiana Cucuz, said, “Unlike many, I did not go somewhere warm over break. I went to New Hampshire to visit my sister and her boyfriend. Although it was a lot of fun and I made many memories, I wish I would’ve gone somewhere where I didn’t have to wear a winter coat when I went outside.”
Canton senior Nadine Ahmed said, “I went to California with my family over spring break. It was an amazing experience. I got to take my senior pictures and spend quality family time. I wish I never had to come back.”
Some students decided to stay home instead of travel. Plymouth senior Emily Fischer said, “I worked almost every single day, but when I didn’t, I hung out with [my friends].” She has a few debts to pay off, so she decided to work all break to make some money.
Salem senior Maddy Rosiewicz said, “I worked 40 hours over break to help pay for college. I am sad I didn’t go anywhere but when I wasn’t working I was with friends, so overall it wasn’t too bad of a break.”
Although many seniors did travel for break, others felt like their ideal week off would be to make money rather than spend it.
Katherine Springer, Plymouth senior, went with some of her friends to Mexico. She said she spent a little over $1,000 on the whole week, which she didn’t think was too steep of a price considering she was staying at an all-inclusive resort.
Whether spent at home or 500 miles away, spring break is an annual tradition for seniors to spend time with friends and enjoy their last high school break before they graduate and face adulthood.