As technology progresses, we are seeing society move further towards electric and hybrid vehicles. While they may look much better, are they really as great as they seem? Electric vehicles are still relatively new, meaning there is still time before they become the norm. Electric vehicles have quite a few limiting factors, such as low range, high initial price and lengthy charging. While efforts are being made to introduce more budget-friendly electric vehicles, such as Tesla’s new Model 3, there simply are not enough options available in the market that will allow electric vehicles to take off anytime soon. As mentioned earlier, a major concern is charging time. Charging an electric car, regardless of whether its being charged as fast as possible, or just through your home wall socket, takes much longer than filling up a car with gas. To most, having the convenience of a quick fuel-up is something they won’t give up. Having included many of the drawbacks to electric vehicles, there are still positive aspects that should be addressed. Electric vehicles are much better for the environment, cost less to run, and are quiet. Characteristics such as these, plus many more are why we are seeing a shift towards electric vehicles. Until many of the kinks are worked out, gas powered vehicles are far from being taken over.