Aquarius: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You are known to be naturally quiet and crave alone time. But a new year equals new possibilities to form relationships and come out of your shell a little. Being aloof won’t get you anywhere! Have you ever felt annoyed when something doesn’t go your way? Well, your first thought may be to argue with the opposing party, but try to hold back from exploding in people’s faces this year. Take a few deep breaths and re-visit the situation when you’ve cooled down. It may seem like a daunting task to try and be less aggressive and face others, but it’s in your best interest. Use your natural power of inspiring others, and you have the ability to cause a widespread movement of deep thinking and motivation.
Pisces: Feb. 19-March 20
You’re the “mom” figure of your friend group, aren’t you? You strive to help others in any way you can which is great, but you tend to forget to take care of yourself. This year, try to set aside time at least once every week to self-care and reflect. You may find yourself gravitating toward reading that new romance novel that’s been collecting dust on your nightstand, and that’s totally normal. Maybe you’ll just sit and listen to that old record in your parents’ closet. Instead of imagining all the things you could do this year, you may want to make a realistic list of goals for yourself to avoid those moments of being trapped in dreamland. Along with this, you’re the kind to be quiet when something isn’t to your liking or inconvenient. As long as it’s in a polite manner, try to speak up and don’t let people walk all over you.
Aries: March 21-April 19
Being the first astrological sign in the zodiac, you represent a new beginning. The new year is a perfect time for you to take on your next big project; whether it’s playing a new sport, pitching some new idea at work or venturing to a new place, you strive to start off things on the right foot every time. The motivation and energy you bring to those around you may be beneficial, but you often tend to overdo it. Picture this: you get that test back and you didn’t get the highest score in the class for what would have been the tenth time in a row. That’s OK. It may seem like the worst thing in the world, but you have to try and relax a little. You don’t have to be number one all the time. Give someone else a chance to bring what they have to the table without getting too angry about it. No one’s perfect, so don’t expect anyone to be. This year your patience is bound to be tried often, but resist the urge to lose it.
Taurus: April 20-May 20
Ah, Taurus. You’re known to be trustworthy and ambitious, but have one downfall. You’re downright stubborn. After all, your astrological symbol is a bull for a reason. You absolutely won’t tolerate being lied to, which results in you being a little tense and rigid at times. This year, try to loosen up a bit when it comes to your relationships. Just because you don’t like what you hear on that first date, doesn’t mean you should harshly refuse to see them again. You need to work on trying new things and stop holding grudges against petty matters. That person didn’t really give you a dirty look, it’s probably just all in your head. You are known to make hasty decisions and knock something before you try it. A new year presents lots of opportunity to try new things–which shouldn’t be a problem if only you would let your intense personal drive shine through. From butting heads (or horns) to pulling all-nighters to get things done, Taureans appear to be set in their ways, but they get a bad rap. Prove to others that you aren’t as scary or aggressive as you may seem by continuing to be the honest, dependable person you are and your year will begin to head in the right direction.
Gemini: May 21-June 20
The intricacy of Gemini is a crucial part of their identity. The “twins” it represents shows the two sides of Gemini’s personality. You may be extroverted, energetic and ready to take on anything, but then you can become more nervous and anxious, resulting in the feeling that you won’t get to accomplish everything that you want to. But don’t worry, you have a whole new year ahead of you! You’ll be even more inspired than usual this year to explore new places and ideas. Your charming, versatile nature makes you usually want to express yourself through artistic means, whether it be painting, drawing or writing. Your creative, positive energy makes everyone around you feel an urge to go out and explore the unknown. But curiosity sometimes gets the best of you, causing you to be inconsistent in your endeavors and a little indecisive. Learning and discovering new things is always a good thing, but maybe try to become more organized so you don’t overwhelm yourself.
Cancer: June 21-July 22
It’s Friday night and you’re curled up in your bed watching an old Disney movie bawling your eyes out. Yes, it’s terribly sad when Dumbo is taken away from his mother, but it’s just a movie. My point is, you are known to be incredibly emotional and are guided more by your heart than your mind. You know that that birthday card was from when you were five years old, but all those memories still come flooding back to you. This year, it should be a goal of yours to become more grounded and open with others. This may not make sense since you tend to be sympathetic and emotional, but while you tend to listen to others’ problems, you are extremely hesitant to reveal personal things about yourself. You’re afraid to let anyone know too much about you or get to know you too well. This may result in others around you feeling hurt or unwanted. But you can change that. 2019 is a chance for you to slowly, starting with the friends and family closest to you, branch out and share small things about yourself. It may not be easy, but it will certainly benefit you in the long run.
Leo: July 23-Aug. 22
You have a certain “touch of the dramatic,” making you interesting to be around. Known for their creative, passionate, yet humorous personality, Leos make fine friends. Similar to their lion zodiac symbol, they are seen as natural leaders and figures of superiority and bravery. Although this makes them excellent at achieving whatever they set their mind to, it can result in a bit of arrogance. So this year, Leo, while you may be itching to brag about that role you got in the school play or how fast you can run a mile, work on refraining from getting too big for your britches. No one likes someone with an inflated ego. Similar to Aries in this aspect, you don’t have to be in the limelight all the time. You will most likely be presented with your usual problems this year but your hardworking nature and problem-solving skills will come to the rescue! Don’t be afraid to let go a little and try a new approach to an issue or project.
Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You’re a natural-born workaholic. You practically live and breathe work. Late nights, early mornings, scattered papers and a mess of books on the floor, you won’t stop until you’ve accomplished what you need to. While this nature is good sometimes, you’ll be cursing yourself when you fall asleep in class the next day after staying up until 2:00 a.m. Virgos are known for their careful, precise character that values hard work and critical analysis. A new student walks into class–you immediately start to analyze them from head to toe–their clothes, the way they style their hair, their particular taste in glasses, the way their nose comes to a perfect point–you get it. You’re overly analytical. It’s a new year, and it’s time for you to relax once in a while and spend your down time doing something you enjoy.
Libra: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
You are constantly in search for peace not only within yourself, but among those around you as well. You work hard to negotiate and cooperate with others, making you very conscious of what is just and fair. But you can’t avoid conflict altogether. When faced with confrontation, you tend to find a way around it. This results in you finding it very difficult to say “no” to people and becoming even more stressed. This year, when you’re faced with a difficult situation, don’t be afraid to put your guard up and defend yourself and those who share your opinion. Compromising and easily giving into letting others get their way will only end badly. It’s OK to reject people kindly sometimes. With your strong intellect, fair-mindedness and strong will to maintain harmony, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Scorpio: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Just as fierce as your scorpion symbol, Scorpios are known to be the most resourceful, trustworthy sign and are constantly surrounded by their friends. Your main downfall, though, is that because of your undying determination and decisiveness, you can become quite suspicious around those you don’t know well. You will do whatever it takes to find out the truth, even if that means becoming a little aggressive. But this trait of yours can scare more passive individuals away! Not every person you meet needs to be looked at with a fine tooth comb. Talking behind people’s backs or being secretive is not the best way to deal with your problems. Unlike you, others may not be as ready to express their opinion or get down to business, so try to work on being more flexible this year. You must learn to more easily adapt to other human behaviors besides your own.
Sagittarius: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
The phrase, “you have your head in the clouds,” could not be more apt in describing you. You’ll wander wherever and whenever, to the ends of the Earth in search for some deeper meaning of life. You yearn to travel and discover new things about yourself and others who are different from you. This year, you will welcome new changes to your routine and gladly explore the new opportunities laid before you. You are known for your extroverted nature and great sense of humor–two qualities that make you a fantastic friend. But because of your love of freedom and lack of boundaries, you can come off as a little too direct. You’ll practically do anything in order to get your point across, no matter how undiplomatic. It’s important that you learn to express yourself in more socially acceptable ways, in order to avoid conflict. One last thing, Sagittarius–while traveling to new places and learning about how to be at peace with your current self and discovering higher truths are all beneficial things, your free-willed nature can get the best of you, resulting in you biting off a little more than you can chew. You either end up making promises you can’t keep, or promising more than you can give. So be careful not to agree to something too soon; really think about what you’re getting yourself into.
Capricorn: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
You may not believe it yet, but you’re probably going to be the CEO of some major corporation someday. You know, the one person who gets to call all the shots, wears fancy clothes (maybe, depending on where you end up working) and whose morning coffee order is known by the whole office? Yeah, that will probably be you. But it’s your choice on how you want to run your “company.” (Let’s say it’s make-believe for now). You are filled with a great sense of independence and have a serious outward demeanor. Due to this skill, you are able to make significant strides in your professional and personal life. You will always correct and work to fix your mistakes, valuing the learning experience they give you. As the third sign of a trio along with Taurus and Virgo, you represent practicality and being down-to-earth. But not everything is so black and white. You’re stubborn like Taurus and diligent like Virgo–which can make you come off as a little bit of a know-it-all. Since you’re also so independent, when having to deal with or rely on others, you usually tend to expect the worst, not being able to trust them with the outcome. So in 2019, when faced with a group project or people who differ greatly in character from you, work on learning to be more patient and forgiving–it will make your life a lot lighter and more positive.