Canton Junior Ethan Curry is a member of the wrestling team. The Perspective sat down with Curry to discuss his achievements while on the team.
The main goal in a wrestling match is to pin one’s opponent. Points are earned in five main ways: A takedown-which earns two points; an escape-one point; a reversal-two points; a near fall-usually two or three points; and penalty points, which are awarded to one’s opponent, which can be worth one or two points. There are illegal holds and technical violations, like grabbing clothing, unsportsmanlike conduct and unnecessary roughness. If no one gets pinned, then the player who earns the most points wins the match.
Molly Okon: When did you start wrestling?
Ethan Curry: I started wrestling in freshman year.
MO: What made you decide to join?
EC: In eighth grade, my dad started talking about it, and it kind of interested me.
MO: Have you played any other sports besides wrestling?
EC: Before high school, I did swimming for seven or eight years.
MO: I heard that you qualified for regionals. What did you have to do in order to qualify?
EC: I had to make it in top four out of districts, and I placed fourth.
MO: Is there a time where you had to make changes to your weight to make it into a certain weight class?
EC: For districts, I had to cut eight pounds to get to 128.
MO: What do you think has led to that success in order to go to regionals?
EC: Probably just working hard in the off season.
MO: Tell me about a time when you had a difficult time pinning someone. How did you overcome that?
EC: I’ll just lift them up if I can’t [pin my opponent]; then I’ll get more takedowns.
MO: Can you tell me about your favorite Park rival game you’ve ever competed in?
EC: Plymouth versus Canton.
MO: How have your teammates helped you over the course of the season?
EC: They support me after I lose a match, which helps me get back on my feet.
MO: Do you plan on continuing wrestling in the future?
EC: I’m planning on doing college wrestling if I get D2 or D3 offers.
MO: Do you have any goals for next season?
EC: My goals for next season are to make states and place.
MO: Are there any words of advice that you would give to someone who’s thinking about joining wrestling?
EC: If you’re planning on doing the sport, then just work hard.