June Perspective Student-Athlete of the Month: Aidan Moore

Amanda Walters

Salem Sophomore, Aidan Moore, fights for the ball during a faceoff.

Starting Salem Varsity Football player and Junior Varsity Boys Lacrosse player, sophomore, Aidan Moore, has won the Perspective Student-Athlete of the Month for June. This season was the first season Moore decided to play lacrosse and now he has realized it is the sport he enjoys playing the most. After a great first season, The Perspective sat down with Moore to ask some questions.

Lucas Gentilia: Do you play any other sports besides football and lacrosse at P-CEP?

Aidan Moore: I used to play basketball at Salem but that’s all.

Lucas Gentilia: What positions did you play at Canton Lions? Do you play the same position(s) now?

Aidan Moore: It has switched a lot since I played for [the] Canton Lions. I played defensive tackle and tight end [for the Canton Lions] and then for Salem now, I play DB [defensive back] and I play wide receiver and I’m looking to play running back this year.

Lucas Gentilia: If there was like one thing you want people to know about you for sports, what would it be?

Aidan Moore: Definitely my mentality [in games]. I’m always focused during a game, I’m just locked in.

No.9, Aidan Moore, takes a shot on goal against Novi. (Amanda Walters)

Lucas Gentilia: What do you enjoy most outside of sports?

Aidan Moore: I like hanging out with my friends mainly. I like going to restaurants and sleepovers too. Sometimes we play sports in the backyard.

Lucas Gentilia: What was one specific moment from this lacrosse season that stood out to you?

Aidan Moore: Personally, I think Lacrosse is the best sport I’ve ever played, it’s so fun. But the one moment that stands out the most was my first goal against Northville, which was pretty hype, everyone went crazy.

Lucas Gentilia: How do you foresee this coming football season going especially with a new head coach in Coach Garrett?

Aidan Moore: Coach Garrett was my coach during pee wee [football] for two years so he’s a familiar face. He led us to some big games during pee wee so I think he’ll do the same for high school, and he’s got that Salem “we work” mentality.

Lucas Gentilia: Do you have any superstitions with the team or by yourself that really get you locked in before a game?

Aidan Moore:  Usually I’ll pray before football games. Not lacrosse games as much though, because they start quickly. I usually just put my air pods in, sit down and let myself sink into the hype.

Lucas Gentilia: Is there anything special that you or your team have accomplished this year in lacrosse? 

Salem Varsity Football plyer, Aidan Moore crossing his arms on the sideline of the P-CEP Varsity Field. (Darrin Hudson)

Aidan Moore: We’ve improved throughout the season a lot and I feel like we’ve all gotten closer which leads us to playing better with each other. We started to score more points [because], outside of practice, we’d go to each other’s houses and practice with each other.

Lucas Gentilia: Outside of the game, is there really anyone that motivates you to go the extra mile, to do your best in life and do your best in lacrosse and football?

Aidan Moore: I’d say my dad, for sure. He really pushes me and motivates me and I’ve always looked up to him.

Lucas Gentilia: How would you say that the two sports that you play have really impacted your life the most? What have they done for your physical and mental health?

Aidan Moore: Physically, it’s been amazing. It’s got me to work out more and really push myself. But mentally, with school, it’s kind of draining. But outside of school, when football starts in the summer, it’s so fun and keeps my mental state really good. Honestly, being with my friends all the time just makes me happy.