Three-sport student-athletes are rare. Salem senior Tommy Veresh embodies the three-sport athlete label. Varsity Boys Soccer in the fall, Varsity Boys Basketball come winter and Varsity Boys Golf in the spring. This fall season, Veresh has excelled in the net as the Rock’s starting goalkeeper, with diving blocks, booming kicks, and leadership of his team through his role as captain. The Perspective sat down with Veresh to get a look into how he succeeds on and off the field.”
Brody Klein: What has led to your success this season?
Tommy Veresh: “We’ve just been putting in the work. It’s been a grind this season overall. A lot of ups and downs. We have districts coming up and we don’t know exactly who we’re gonna play, but it’s gonna be a tough road, but I think we’re gonna be ready for it.”
Brody Klein: What are your and your team’s goals for the rest of the season?

Tommy Veresh: “We’re looking to win the district [title] again. We’re on a streak of four in a row and we’re looking to make it five.”
Lucas Gentilia: What has been the highlight moment of the season to this point?
Tommy Veresh: “I’d say shutting out Plymouth twice and [0-0 and 1-0]. Also shutting out Canton and winning the Park championship.”
Brody Klein: Tell me about a time this season when you were nervous for a game, and how did you respond?
Tommy Veresh: “Every game that I have played in has been a big game. There’s a lot of added pressure in those games because you are expected to perform. You just got to trust your instincts and your abilities.”
Lucas Gentilia: Can you give me an insight into what it’s like as a goalkeeper? How do you prepare for a position that’s unlike anything else on the field?
Tommy Veresh: “Our practice is completely different from field players. You can’t really have a mistake in the position, so you just got to be ready to go.”
Brody Klein: What’s the biggest threat to your team having a lot of success?
Tommy Veresh: “We just need to keep our consistency. If we can play at a high level of consistency, I think we can go pretty far and we can win [a district final].”
Lucas Gentilia: Who do you hope to play in districts?
Tommy Veresh: “We are hoping to play Northville, obviously, because they’re probably going to be the team that will play in district finals. We will probably end up playing a park team in [districts] as well. Depends on how the rest of the season folds out.”
Lucas Gentilia: Have you and your team done anything outside the field to grow and bond as a team?
Tommy Veresh: “All of us went out to Murray Lake for a day, that was really fun. We had a pasta party before we played Plymouth. We also just go out and support the whole program in general, as our coach [Kyle Karns] likes to say, ‘It’s not three teams [varsity, JV, freshman], it’s one program.’ So we’re big on that.”

Lucas Gentilia: Do you plan to play at the collegiate level?
Tommy Veresh: “Yeah, I’m looking to play at the collegiate level. I’ll probably go to a smaller school which I’m completely fine with because that’s where I’m aiming.
Brody Klein: What awards have you won, either team or individual?
Tommy Veresh: “Last year I earned [KLAA] Scholar Athlete, All Conference Honorable Mention, All District, All Regional and All State Honorable Mention. The team [in 2022] was district champs, conference champs, division champs, regional champs and Park champs, so pretty successful.”
Brody Klein: What extracurriculars do you participate in other than soccer?
Tommy Veresh: “I play for Salem Varsity Boys Basketball and Salem Boys Varsity Golf. We do community service for soccer like the [Rotary Club of Plymouth] Chicken Barbecue this year and the Special Olympics.”
Brody Klein: What are some of your academic goals for the season?
Tommy Veresh: “Looking to get [KLAA] Scholar Athlete again, looking to maintain all A’s. Our team has some pretty good, academically sound people. So academics is a big thing for our team. We all look to have a high GPA standard.”