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The Perspective

The Student News Site of Plymouth-Canton Educational Park

The Perspective

The Student News Site of Plymouth-Canton Educational Park

The Perspective

Is She Right for the Job?

Sheena Patel, Guest Writer May 18, 2017

In early February, the nation watched as Betsy Devos was elected as education secretary by a close vote and with the help of Vice President Mike Pence. Although elected, I can’t help but wonder whether...

“13 Reasons Why” Does Far More Good Than Harm

Jacob Miller, Reporter May 16, 2017

Before we get into the deeper, more personal reasons for the purpose and legacy of “13 Reasons Why,” I would like to first mention its merit as a piece of entertainment. Whether the message gets lost...

The Driver’s Education Age Should Be Raised

Mary Petovello, Features Editor May 4, 2017

Fourteen and eight months is too young for teenagers to start taking driver’s education. The State of Michigan’s website has a page dedicated to the dangers of teen driving leading to accidents, but...

Pizza Is Not A Vegetable

Claudia Saveski, Sports Editor May 4, 2017

According to, the definition of a vegetable is “any plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves or flower parts are used as food, as the tomato, bean, beet, potato, onion,...

Steering Clear Of The Summer Tan

Megan Pham, Head Copy-Editor May 4, 2017

While being pale and pasty in the summer is far from anyone’s ideal “sun-kissed glow,” when it comes to tanning, maintaining a physical appearance cannot come before staying healthy. The U.S. Department...

AP Season Is Upon Us

Naabia Romain, Reporter May 4, 2017

As Advanced Placement (AP) exam season arrives once again, many students are scrambling to prepare for the biggest test of the academic year. At a high school that offers so many AP courses, it can be...

Stop Drinking Soda

Laura Westcott, Features Editor April 17, 2017

Refreshing, fizzy, tasty and it’s a satisfying compliment with almost every meal. Soda, soft drinks or pop, whatever you want to call it, we all agree that it’s delicious. But did you know that it’s...

SOS! (Save our snow)

Jordyn Kuchka, Business Manager April 17, 2017

The state of Michigan is known for being a relatively cold state. It is known for having brutally long and cold winters, but this year it hasn’t seemed very long and brutal at all. While many are just...

Drinking, Drinking, Drunk, Gone

Claudia Saveski, Sports Editor March 30, 2017

Drinking. The only thing Americans seems to do to celebrate. Whether it’s a wedding, a religious holiday or even winning a men’s softball game, it’s almost expected that a cooler will be full of...

Should parents ruin the Santa Claus myth?

Madison Taylor, Co-Photography Editor December 23, 2016

Children waking up early on Christmas morning, running down the stairs and looking under the tree to see if Santa Claus brought them presents shows how the jolly spirit of the character Santa Claus has...

Are longer breaks really beneficial?

Gagana Borra, Copy Editor November 28, 2016

The 2016-2017 P-CEP school year is a total of five days longer than the last. This new policy was enforced after the state of Michigan passed a law stating that schools that receive state aid will be...

Christmas in November

Mary Pettovello, Megan Pham, Madison Taylor, Features Editor, Reporter, Photo Editor November 22, 2016

It’s the most wonderful time of the November. Take a look outside, what do you see? The leaves are changing, people are bringing sweaters out from hibernation and the weather is just plain...

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