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The Student News Site of Plymouth-Canton Educational Park

The Perspective

The Student News Site of Plymouth-Canton Educational Park

The Perspective

The Student News Site of Plymouth-Canton Educational Park

The Perspective

Why Regular Chicken Nuggets Should Go Extinct

Max Mulvaney, Business Manager April 24, 2018

As kids all around the world anxiously await snack time, one snack outweighs the rest: dinosaur chicken nuggets. These fun shaped snacks come in many different types of dinosaurs such as the tyrannosaurus...

Point-Counterpoint: is Valentines Day stupid?

Breanna Losey and Sebastien Ostertag, Staff Writer and Opinion Editor February 14, 2018

YES by Breanna Losey Being single already sucks (unless it’s a choice, in which case, go you!), so we don’t need a day where it’s shoved down our throats how great being in a relationship is....

Make Life Skills Classes a Requirement

Amalia Kalergis, Head Copy Editor October 19, 2017

Every year when it came time to pick out my schedule for the next year, I always came across Living on Your Own. Why it isn’t a requirement is beyond me. Instead of Living on Your Own being an elective,...

Letter to the Editor: P-CEP Rant

Nicholas Wooten, Guest Writer October 18, 2017

At the Park, it is a hassle to walk from school to school every hour. The ridiculous amount of people on the path doesn't make it any better. It is overcrowded and people get pushed off the path. That’s...

Anthem, Trump, protest, patriotism

Ann-Nora Hirami October 11, 2017

President Trump went way too far in his recent condemnation of Colin Kaepernick and other athletes who kneel during the national anthem. He is our president. He is not a dictator or who gets to pontificate...


Grace Pierzynski, Reporter June 5, 2017

Fidgets have become a trend in today’s society; they are dominating social media and selling out in stores, but why? Have you ever wondered what the actual purpose of a fidget is other than being a cool...

Spotlight Too Bright For Some

Noah Haran, Sports Editor May 31, 2017

I watched a movie one time, and while the name of the movie didn’t stick with me, a certain message did: “With great power comes great responsibility.” Athletes take advantage of their platform in...

No More Seniors No More School

Megan Pham, Head Copy Editor May 30, 2017

Walking into school two weeks before summer vacation, something always feels different; perhaps the halls are marginally quieter, or some teachers look relieved or the traffic seemed to flow much more...

The Negative Effects of Phone Use

Omar Abdel Baqui, News Editor May 30, 2017

With over 6 billion people across the globe having access to cell phones, the impact of cell phones appears to be ignored by the general public. Cell phones have altered people’s ability to learn, communicate,...

The Murder of Another Black Man

Khadega Mohammed, Reporter May 30, 2017

A young black man has literally been lynched, yet there has been barely any media coverage on it. Richard Collins III, a student at Bowie State University, was just about to graduate when his life was...

Sex Education Needs to Accommodate Everyone

Victoria Hall, Opinion Editor May 30, 2017

Health: one of the more dreaded requirements to complete for graduation. From the documentaries that make you lose faith in all food to the pictures of sexually transmitted infections, it can be a little...

“13 Reasons Why” is Awful

Jack Hanley, Opinion Editor May 22, 2017

Do you know who would really love the hit Netflix show “13 Reasons Why?” Courtney, from “13 Reasons Why.” The hit drama has swept American pop-culture and social media in the last few months, being...

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